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What Is EJARI In Dubai

Dec 17, 2023 | Legal

Understanding what EJARI is in Dubai is crucial for anyone involved in the emirate’s rental market. EJARI, an online system implemented by the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA), is designed to bring clarity and security to renting properties. By mandating the registration of all tenancy contracts, EJARI ensures that these agreements are legally recognised and easily accessible within a central database.

This initiative has transformed the rental landscape in Dubai by promoting transparency, protecting stakeholders’ rights, and streamlining the administrative procedures tied to leasing. Whether you’re a tenant, landlord, or property manager, familiarising yourself with the workings of EJARI is key to a hassle-free rental experience in Dubai.

What is Ejari in Dubai?

Ejari, which means ‘my rent’ in Arabic, is an innovative online registration system that consolidates all rental agreements in Dubai into a single, centralised database. It was established by the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) and launched on 14 March 2010. The system represents a significant advancement in regulating the rental market in the emirate.

The primary goal of Ejari is to formalise and manage the relationship between landlords and tenants. It ensures that rental contracts are fair and transparent for both parties. Under the Ejari framework, every rental contract must be thoroughly recorded, detailing the specifics of the tenancy agreement and the property involved.

How Does Ejari Work?

This meticulous recording process adds credibility to the rental arrangements. It also assigns a unique barcode to each entry, making it easy to retrieve and reference in the future. The introduction of this level of detail and accountability was aimed at reducing malpractices within the rental sector. It promotes a transparent renting procedure that benefits all involved stakeholders.

Do I Need to Register with Ejari?

Registering with Ejari is crucial. Rental contracts not logged within the system are considered invalid by regulatory authorities in Dubai, leaving them without legal protection. Since 2013, having an Ejari-registered tenancy contract has been necessary for various administrative procedures, such as applying for residency visas in Dubai.

Moreover, to get home services like internet and television from the telecommunications provider Du, you’ll need an Ejari-registered contract since June 2013. The responsibility for registering a tenancy contract with Ejari is shared between the landlord and the tenant. If a property management company is involved, the company’s agent is responsible for the details and ensuring compliance.

What Does Ejari Mean for Tenants?

Despite this shared responsibility, the tenant often takes on the registration process and covers the associated fees. However, the Ejari system has faced certain challenges. One significant issue has been the need for more synchronisation between Ejari and the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA).

To register with Ejari, tenants must provide a receipt confirming the payment of the DEWA security deposit. Yet, complications have arisen because Ejari needs to recognise the receipt for the online payment of this deposit. This leads to frustrating delays for tenants who are eager to access essential services.

The disconnect between the two entities highlights the need for a more streamlined approach. It’s important to ensure that the processes you must navigate are as seamless as possible. Despite these challenges, the Ejari system remains a key element of Dubai’s commitment to creating a transparent and regulated rental market. It safeguards the interests of both landlords and tenants in this vibrant city.

Screenshot Of Dubai Rest App On Google

(source: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ae.gov.dubailand.selfregistration&hl=en&gl=US)

How To Register EJARI Online

Steps To Register For Ejari Online

To initiate the online registration, the Dubai REST application must be downloaded. This app simplifies the management of real estate transactions.

After installing the app, navigate to the ‘Services’ tab, select ‘RERA’, and then ‘Register Ejari Contract’.

Account creation on the Dubai REST App is the first step for newcomers. Returning users will sign in. Following this, input the details of your rental agreement and upload all required documents. The fees can be settled through the app. The property owner must then confirm your registration request via the same platform.

Once your submission and payment are complete, a staff member will review it. You will be issued an official Ejari contract with a unique ID upon approval. The contract is typically submitted and processed within one to two working days through the website and immediately via the app. You will receive the contract registration certificate by email, signifying the completion of your registration.

Document Required To Register EJARI

Prepare the original rental agreement and security deposit receipt for a successful registration. Non-GCC nationals should provide the following:

Property owners are required to submit a copy of their passport. In cases where the contract is signed under Power of Attorney, a valid copy of that document is necessary.

The title deed is needed to verify property ownership. A 9-digit DEWA Premises Number, obtainable from recent DEWA bills or the Green bill, is crucial for utility setup. The previous Ejari certificate and the latest DEWA bill should be presented for renewals. Commercial properties require a valid trade licence.

Landlords are tasked with cancelling the Ejari upon tenant departure to maintain a single active registration per property. The cancellation process is swift, typically concluding within an hour after document submission.

The online registration fee encompasses the following:

  • The contract registration
  • A knowledge fee
  • An innovation fee

When registering through a Real Estate Services Trustees Centre, service charges and VAT are added. As fees and services are subject to change, verifying the current rates beforehand is recommended.

Screenshot Of Dubai Land Website For Real Estate Services Trustees Centers

(source: https://dubailand.gov.ae/en/eservices/real-estate-service-trustees-centers/properties-trustee/#/)

Renewal And Cancellation of EJARI

When Should You Renew Ejari?

Renewing your Ejari concurrently with your tenancy agreement each year is essential. RERA mandates this annual renewal to ensure that property details and all leasing contracts remain current in the centralised database. Landlords are typically responsible for updating the registration, which can be done at Ejari-approved typing centres, Real Estate Services Trustee offices, or through various online platforms.

The renewal fee is $42, excluding VAT, with an additional charge of around $5.45 for Knowledge and Innovation. At a Real Estate Services Trustee office, the total fee, inclusive of VAT, is $60.

How Can You Cancel Your Ejari?

Cancellation of an Ejari is necessary when a lease is terminated before its end date or when it is mutually agreed not to renew the tenancy period. As per RERA regulations, only one active Ejari is permissible per property, necessitating the cancellation of the existing registration upon vacancy.

The required documents for cancellation include the Emirates ID number of both parties, the Ejari certificate, passports, an NOC from the landlord, the latest DEWA bill, the original tenancy contract, and a termination letter from the property owner. There is no charge for cancellations done through the app.

However, a fee of $11, excluding VAT, is applied at Real Estate Services Trustees Centres, with four working hours processing time. Online cancellations incur a fee of $60, which covers government, innovation, and typing charges, and take between 24 to 28 hours to process. If there are disputes or other issues, RERA may require you to visit an offline centre to resolve them before the cancellation can be finalised.

Screenshot Of RERA Webpage For Ejari

(source: https://dubailand.gov.ae/en/rera/#/)

What are the benefits of the Ejari system?

The Ejari system, implemented by the DLD, offers a multitude of benefits that safeguard the interests of all parties involved in tenancy agreements. This innovative system has been designed to inject transparency and legal protection into the rental landscape of Dubai, ensuring that the rights of landlords and tenants are equally preserved.

One of the primary advantages of the Ejari system is the legal recognition it provides to rental contracts. By mandating the registration of all rental agreements, Ejari confers a certificate that is pivotal in affirming the contract’s legitimacy. This certificate is a critical document, especially when disputes arise between landlords and tenants.

Ejari Legal Benefits

It acts as a legal reference that can be presented in court, offering a layer of security that was previously absent in informal rental arrangements. Moreover, Ejari significantly contributes to creating a transparent rental market. It standardises rental contracts and rental prices, which helps to prevent arbitrary rent increases and ensures you’re paying a fair market rate.

This standardisation benefits not only tenants but also landlords. It provides a clear framework within which they can operate, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflicts. Another practical benefit of the Ejari system is its role in the facilitation of essential services.

For tenants, the Ejari certificate is necessary to connect utilities such as water and electricity in their name. With this certificate, you can access these basic services indispensable for any residential or commercial occupancy. The reach of Ejari extends beyond utility connections; it’s often a prerequisite for various government services.

For instance, when processing visas, the Ejari certificate is frequently required. This underscores its importance in the broader administrative landscape of Dubai. Ejari-registered rental agreements typically have one-year validity, after which they can be renewed.

This annual renewal process ensures that rental agreements remain up-to-date and reflect any changes in the terms agreed upon by the landlord and tenant. Ejari also outlines the procedures that both parties must follow in the event of contract termination. This provides a structured and fair approach to ending tenancy agreements.

Landlords and Tenants

For those involved in rental agreements in the United Arab Emirates, including landlords, tenants, real estate agents, property management companies, and business owners, engaging with the Ejari system is crucial. It not only ensures compliance with rental laws but also offers a mechanism for resolving disputes in a manner that upholds the terms of the rental contracts. Please register with Ejari to avoid significant legal consequences.

Landlords and tenants who neglect this obligation may find themselves legally vulnerable. Tenants could potentially face restrictions on rent increases and lose rights to essential services like DEWA and residency visa renewal. Engaging with the Ejari system isn’t just a legal requirement; it’s a step towards a hassle-free and secure renting experience for anyone looking to rent in Dubai.

Embrace the EJARI Advantage

Navigating the rental landscape of Dubai can be complex, but with EJARI, tenants and landlords are empowered with a system that ensures fairness and clarity. By embracing EJARI, you’re not just complying with local regulations but also securing your rights and setting the stage for a more stable and transparent rental experience. Whether it’s utilising the Dubai REST app for quick registrations or ensuring timely renewals to sidestep inconvenience, your engagement with EJARI is a strategic move towards peace of mind in your renting journey. Remember, a proactive approach to EJARI registration paves the way for a seamless living or business venture in the ever-dynamic city of Dubai.

Screenshot Of DEWA Webpage

(source: https://www.dewa.gov.ae/en/)


What’s the difference between Ejari and a tenancy contract?

While a tenancy contract outlines the terms of the lease between a landlord and tenant, Ejari is the official system that records this agreement within the DLD’s regulatory framework. It ensures adherence to local rental laws and provides a structured database for all leasing contracts.

Is Ejari just for tenants?

Ejari serves landlords and tenants, offering legal assurance and standardisation of rental practices. Tenants require Ejari registration for various administrative tasks, including utility connections and vehicle registration. Landlords benefit from having a verifiable lease record, which is crucial in resolving disagreements.

How much does Ejari cost?

Ejari registration through the Dubai REST app costs $42, with additional fees for Knowledge and Innovation. At a Real Estate Services Trustees Centre, the total cost for Ejari fees is $60, including VAT. Prices are subject to change, so confirming the current rates is advisable.

Who pays for Ejari, the landlord or the tenant?

While landlords are responsible for the registration, it is common for tenants to handle the process and bear the cost. The division of these expenses should be clarified to ensure understanding.

Is a tenancy contract valid without Ejari?

Without registration, a tenancy contract lacks legal validity in Dubai. This omission can lead to complications in accessing utilities. It may impede the ability to seek recourse through the Rental Dispute Center. It is imperative for both parties to ensure the lease is registered to avoid legal and practical complications.

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