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Everything You Need to Know About The Certificate of Origin For Your UAE Business

Sep 27, 2023 | Business Success and Challenges, Human Resources

Are you a UAE business owner involved in international trade? If so, getting to know the Certificate of Origin (CoO) issued by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry can be a game-changer for your export or import operations. A CoO verifies your goods’ country of origin, which can open doors to preferential trade agreements, reduce customs duties, and help establish your products’ credibility in the global market.

This article will explain the importance of the CoO, the role of the Dubai Chamber in issuing it, eligibility requirements, the application process, and common challenges you might face in acquiring a CoO. Take advantage of this vital tool to boost your business performance. Read on for a comprehensive guide on the Certificate of Origin for your UAE business.

Understanding the Dubai Chamber Certificate of Origin

What is the Certificate of Origin?

The Certificate of Origin is an essential document you’ll need if you’re a UAE business involved in international trade. It’s a declaration that the goods you’re exporting or importing come from a specific country, in this case, the UAE. This essential document is issued by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the body in charge of verifying the origin of goods and issuing certificates of origin in Dubai.

The Certificate of Origin includes essential details such as your name and address as the exporter or importer, a description of the goods, the country of origin, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s stamp and signature.

Role of Dubai Chamber in Certificate Issuance

The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry is central in issuing the Certificate of Origin. They check the information you provide as the exporter or importer and issue the Certificate of Origin if you meet all the requirements. To get a Certificate of Origin, you must submit necessary documents, such as invoices, packing lists, and bills of lading, to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Sometimes, you might need to provide additional documents such as a copy of the industrial license, factory invoice, or bill transit from Dubai Customs for transhipment goods. The Dubai Chamber also has a digital platform called e-Certificate of Origin, which lets you apply for and receive certificates online, cutting down on paperwork and processing time.

Purpose and Significance of the Certificate

The Certificate of Origin has several uses in international trade. Customs authorities in the importing country often require it to determine eligibility for preferential treatment under trade agreements or to calculate the applicable customs duties. It also helps to prevent fraud, protect domestic industries, and ensure compliance with trade regulations.

Plus, it gives accurate information about exported goods to consumers. It can be used by banks or financial institutions for payment purposes, by insurance companies for insurance coverage, and by buyers or consumers to verify the origin of the goods.

Importance of the Certificate in International Trade

The Certificate of Origin is essential if you’re a UAE business. It lets you access preferential and driving international trade agreements, benefit from reduced customs duties, and establish your products’ credibility in the global market.

A CoO is key to getting these benefits. It’s also used in international trade to determine eligibility for preferential treatment under trade agreements. So, it’s important for you to know the specific requirements and regulations related to the Certificate of Origin for each country you’re exporting to or importing from. This knowledge can help ensure your foreign trade operations run smoothly, and you can take full advantage of preferential trade agreements.

Screenshot Of The Dubai Chamber Of Commerce Website

Obtaining the Dubai Chamber Certificate of Origin

Eligibility Requirements for the Certificate

It would be best if you met specific eligibility criteria to secure the Certificate of Origin (CoO). These include:

  • Membership in the Dubai Chamber
  • Possession of a valid trade licence
  • Adherence to the Chamber’s rules and regulations

It’s crucial to stay abreast of any modifications or updates to these requirements, as the Dubai Chamber frequently updates its website and notifies its members about any changes in regulations or procedures.

Application Process

The application process for the CoO can be done through various channels, including:

  • Online applications
  • Smart applications
  • In-person visits to the customer happiness centre

The Dubai Chamber’s online platform simplifies the process by allowing you to:

  • Submit your applications
  • Monitor the status of your requests
  • Receive the certificate electronically

Necessary Documentation

The required documentation for the CoO includes:

  • Filled-out application form
  • Copy of the trade license
  • Copy of the invoice
  • Any other supporting documents that may be required

Depending on the importing country’s requirements, you may also need to provide:

  • Commercial invoice
  • Packing list
  • Bill of lading

Ensuring that the information provided by the CoO is accurate and complete is vital. Any untrue or misleading information can lead to severe consequences, including legal penalties and damage to your business’s reputation.

Cost and Duration for Issuance

The cost and duration for the issuance of the CoO vary depending on:

  • Type of goods
  • The urgency of the request

The Dubai Chamber provides a fee schedule outlining the costs for different digital and commercial services certificates and services. The duration for issuance can range from a few hours to a few days, depending on the complexity of the request.

The cost for issuing a CoO is USD 27 (AED 100), with additional fees applied for each extra page after the fifth page of the commercial invoice and for each page of the packing list.

Screenshot Of The Dubai Chamber Certificate Of Origin Website

Validating and Verifying a Dubai Chamber Certificate of Origin

Process of Validation

The validation process for a Certificate of Origin in the UAE begins with submitting the application to the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, along with the necessary supporting documents. The Chamber then scrutinizes these documents and confirms the authenticity and credibility of the CoO, a crucial step for businesses operating in the UAE.

Indications of a Genuine Certificate

Several signs indicate the genuineness of a CoO. The presence of the Dubai Chamber’s stamp and signature, adherence to the correct format and template, and the inclusion of accurate and complete information about the product and its origin are all indicators of a valid CoO.

What to Do If a Certificate is Invalid

In case of an invalid CO, immediate action is required. This could involve reaching out to the issuing authority to rectify any errors or discrepancies or seeking assistance from the Dubai Chamber to resolve the issue. Swift action is essential to prevent any potential delays or penalties in your import or export activities.

Importance of Verification for Business Operations

The verification of CoOs is crucial for business operations in the UAE. It ensures adherence to trade regulations and customs requirements. It instils confidence in buyers and importers regarding the authenticity and origin of the products they’re purchasing.

Moreover, the CoO plays a significant role in determining eligibility for benefits under free trade agreements and preferential trade agreements, which can lead to reduced or zero customs duties for goods originating from the UAE. Therefore, understanding the requirements and procedures for obtaining and validating a CoO is essential for smooth export operations and compliance with trade regulations.

Common Challenges in Acquiring a Dubai Chamber Certificate of Origin

Securing a Certificate of Origin (CoO) from the Dubai Chamber of Commerce can present several hurdles.

Delay in Approval

Despite the Dubai Chamber’s commitment to efficient processing, with a six-minute processing time using their e-Services portal and 10 minutes through their Customer Happiness Charter, delays can occur. These can be due to additional requirements requested by the Dubai Chamber for due diligence purposes.

Furthermore, automatic approvals for trade shipments aren’t granted for invoices exceeding USD 1,361,500 (AED5,000,000) or for companies shipping goods on behalf of another company.

Documentary Errors

The submitted documents need to be corrected to avoid delays or even rejections. For instance, your company should only export and re-export products and goods within the listed business activities on the company trade license. Any discrepancy can lead to complications.

Dealing with Rejections

Rejections can pose another hurdle to business transactions. For example, some Arab countries have recently started rejecting CoOs issued by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In such cases, the Dubai Chamber revises the issuing mechanism and informs the customs authority to inspect the company.

Seeking Assistance in Navigating the Process

Understanding the procedures and requirements for obtaining a CoO can be challenging, especially for those new to international and trade services. Consulting services like IBG Consulting can provide valuable assistance in navigating the process of obtaining a CoO efficiently and timely, enabling local companies.

Screenshot Of The Dubai Chamber Website Requirement List

Case Studies of Businesses Using Dubai Chamber Certificates of Origin

The CoO is a critical tool facilitating trade in the now leading global business hub and trade arena.

For instance, the Dubai Chamber of Commerce issued a staggering 182,000 CoOs in the first quarter of 2023 alone.

Example of a Successful Application

Consider a UAE-based furniture manufacturer that has successfully secured a CoO. After the trade process of submitting the required documents, including a comprehensive commercial invoice and a copy of the industrial license, to the Dubai Chamber of Commerce, the CoO is granted.

Consequently, the business can export its products and enjoy lower customs tariffs under the trade agreement, enhancing competitiveness and profitability.

The Impact of the Certificate of Origin on Business Performance

The CoO can significantly influence a company’s performance.

The Dubai Chamber of Commerce reported a surge in new memberships during the first half of 2023, with over 30,000 new companies joining. Members’ exports surpassed just over USD 37 billion (AED 137 billion), underscoring the role of international trade in the UAE economy.

This data suggests that the CoO can boost exports and business expansion by enabling access to global markets and preferential treatment under trade agreements.

A Case of Dealing with Certificate Rejection

Securing a CoO can sometimes be complex. Consider a food exporter whose CoO application was initially rejected due to an unclear commercial invoice. The Dubai Chamber of Commerce requested additional supporting documents.

The issue was resolved when the business provided a detailed packing list and bills from the exporting country. This scenario underscores the importance of providing precise and comprehensive information when applying for a CoO.

Lessons from Difficulties in Validation and Verification

Securing a CoO can sometimes be challenging, particularly regarding validation and verification. For instance, additional documents may be required, such as a Bill of Lading for direct shipment or a copy of the industrial license for goods of UAE origin. Familiarising yourself with the CoO requirements and procedures can ensure seamless export operations. Furthermore, ensuring that the information on the CoO aligns with the information on other shipping documents is crucial, as discrepancies can lead to delays or complications in customs clearance.

Adopting the Dubai Chamber Certificate of Origin for Success

Securing and enhancing foreign trade by using the Dubai Chamber Certificate of Origin isn’t just a formality. It’s a valuable tool for UAE businesses like yours aiming for international trade success. This certificate can help you access preferential trade agreements, access business opportunities, boost your product’s credibility, and strengthen your business’s presence in the global market.

Navigating the procedural and documentary challenges is difficult, but being well-informed can make your journey smoother. As you engage with international markets, arm your business with the Certificate of Origin. It’ll unlock beneficial trade advantages and help you chart a path for sustained business growth and profitability.


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