
Seven amazing apps for entrepreneurs

Seven amazing apps for entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy. You have to wear many hats – CEO, finance, marketing, sales, admin, IT – and multitask your way through the different roles, all the while trying to grow and expand your young business. Thankfully the advent of business applications...

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Mastering the art of delegating

Mastering the art of delegating

Suffice it to say that mumpreneurs need an abundance of skills in their arsenal to keep on top of the challenges they face on a daily basis. However, if there is one skill that’s required above all else, it is the art of delegation. Whether you are running a small...

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Five ways women entrepreneurs have an advantage

Five ways women entrepreneurs have an advantage

I know what you are thinking – yet another “battle of the sexes” article. But not so. Nor is this a piece about how women are coming closer to equality in the corporate world (a quick look at the stats show us that just 4.4% of CEO positions at companies in the...

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Five signs that you have a great business idea

Five signs that you have a great business idea

It may come to you while you’re working late, travelling to the office, or even when you’re struggling to sleep at 2am, but there’s no mistaking the amazing feeling that hits you when you believe you've just come up with a great business idea – the "game...

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Five key traits of the successful mumpreneur

Five key traits of the successful mumpreneur

Every entrepreneur needs a toolkit packed with skills and character traits to help effectively navigate what is one of life’s greatest challenges (that is, building a business). And when we are talking about the mumpreneur who is also juggling a busy parenting role...

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The six worst sales excuses you’ll ever hear

The six worst sales excuses you’ll ever hear

Note this article also appeared in Entrepreneur Middle East and can be viewed here. Excuses. I’ve heard them all and you probably have as well. Often they are simply devices used to justify why someone can’t or won’t (or didn’t) do something. Sometimes they are just...

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Four money mistakes that will sink your startup

Four money mistakes that will sink your startup

Note this article also appeared in Entrepreneur Middle East and can be viewed here. You have the best business idea in the world. Okay, that’s great. But without the funds to prove its worth and get your organisation off the ground, it counts for very little. And of...

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